Results for 'Demetra Georgis Bowles'

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  1.  11
    Paul Bowles on Music: Includes the Last Interview with Paul Bowles.Paul Bowles - 2003 - Univ of California Press.
    "In this wonderfully engaging and informative collection we hear the voice of a different Paul Bowles. Writing on a wide range of subjects--jazz, film music, classical music, popular music, ethnic music--he is direct, opinionated, incisive, analytical, humorous, and passionate."—Millicent Dillon, author of You Are Not I: A Portrait of Paul Bowles.
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  2. The Reasonable and the Relevant: Legal Standards of Proof.Georgi Gardiner - 2019 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 47 (3):288-318.
    According to a common conception of legal proof, satisfying a legal burden requires establishing a claim to a numerical threshold. Beyond reasonable doubt, for example, is often glossed as 90% or 95% likelihood given the evidence. Preponderance of evidence is interpreted as meaning at least 50% likelihood given the evidence. In light of problems with the common conception, I propose a new ‘relevant alternatives’ framework for legal standards of proof. Relevant alternative accounts of knowledge state that a person knows a (...)
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    Sovereignty, privacy, and ethics in blockchain-based identity management systems.Georgy Ishmaev - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):239-252.
    Self-sovereign identity solutions implemented on the basis of blockchain technology are seen as alternatives to existing digital identification systems, or even as a foundation of standards for the new global infrastructures for identity management systems. It is argued that ‘self-sovereignty' in this context can be understood as the concept of individual control over identity relevant private data, capacity to choose where such data is stored, and the ability to provide it to those who need to validate it. It is also (...)
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    Plato’s open secret.Demetra Kasimis - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (4):339-357.
    The Republic’s noble lie is widely read as an endorsement of political difference that opposes the democratic ideals of its Athenian setting. Once the text’s exclusionary political realities and rhetorical structure are attended to, however, the passages no longer appear as the template for an essentialist politics or the act of political deception they are typically taken to be. What they do is lay bare the ‘artifice’ (mēchanē) by which regimes – including classical Athens – produce membership status as a (...)
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    Normative commitments, causal structure, and policy disagreement.Georgie Statham - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):1983-2003.
    Recently, there has been a large amount of support for the idea that causal claims can be sensitive to normative considerations. Previous work has focused on the concept of actual causation, defending the claim that whether or not some token event c is a cause of another token event e is influenced by both statistical and prescriptive norms. I focus on the policy debate surrounding alternative energies, and use the causal modelling framework to show that in this context, people’s normative (...)
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  6. Legal Epistemology.Georgi Gardiner - 2019 - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
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    Demonstratives in First-Order Logic.Geoff Georgi - 2020 - In Tadeusz Ciecierski & Pawel Grabarczyk, The Architecture of Context and Context-Sensitivity. Springer. pp. 125-148.
    In an earlier defense of the view that the fundamental logical properties of logical truth and logical consequence obtain or fail to obtain only relative to contexts, I focused on a variation of Kaplan’s own modal logic of indexicals. In this paper, I state a semantics and sketch a system of proof for a first-order logic of demonstratives, and sketch proofs of soundness and completeness. (I omit details for readability.) That these results obtain for the first-order logic of demonstratives shows (...)
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  8. Evidentialism and Moral Encroachment.Georgi Gardiner - 2018 - In McCain Kevin, Believing in Accordance with the Evidence: New Essays on Evidentialism. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Moral encroachment holds that the epistemic justification of a belief can be affected by moral factors. If the belief might wrong a person or group more evidence is required to justify the belief. Moral encroachment thereby opposes evidentialism, and kindred views, which holds that epistemic justification is determined solely by factors pertaining to evidence and truth. In this essay I explain how beliefs such as ‘that woman is probably an administrative assistant’—based on the evidence that most women employees at the (...)
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  9. Legal Burdens of Proof and Statistical Evidence.Georgi Gardiner - 2018 - In David Coady & James Chase, Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    In order to perform certain actions – such as incarcerating a person or revoking parental rights – the state must establish certain facts to a particular standard of proof. These standards – such as preponderance of evidence and beyond reasonable doubt – are often interpreted as likelihoods or epistemic confidences. Many theorists construe them numerically; beyond reasonable doubt, for example, is often construed as 90 to 95% confidence in the guilt of the defendant. -/- A family of influential cases suggests (...)
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  10. The Commutativity of Evidence: A Problem for Conciliatory Views of Peer Disagreement.Georgi Gardiner - 2014 - Episteme 11 (1):83-95.
    Conciliatory views of peer disagreement hold that when an agent encounters peer disagreement she should conciliate by adjusting her doxastic attitude towards that of her peer. In this paper I distinguish different ways conciliation can be understood and argue that the way conciliationism is typically understood violates the principle of commutativity of evidence. Commutativity of evidence holds that the order in which evidence is acquired should not influence what it is reasonable to believe based on that evidence. I argue that (...)
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    Relation-Based Categorization and Category Learning as a Result From Structural Alignment. The RoleMap Model.Georgi Petkov & Yolina Petrova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12. Understanding, Integration, and Epistemic Value.Georgi Gardiner - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (2):163-181.
    Understanding enjoys a special kind of value, one not held by lesser epistemic states such as knowledge and true belief. I explain the value of understanding via a seemingly unrelated topic, the implausibility of veritism. Veritism holds that true belief is the sole ultimate epistemic good and all other epistemic goods derive their value from the epistemic value of true belief. Veritism entails that if you have a true belief that p, you have all the epistemic good qua p. Veritism (...)
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    Weyl on Fregean Implicit Definitions: Between Phenomenology and Symbolic Construction.Demetra Christopoulou - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (1):35-47.
    This paper aims to investigate certain aspects of Weyl’s account of implicit definitions. The paper takes under consideration Weyl’s approach to a certain kind of implicit definitions i.e. abstraction principles introduced by Frege.ion principles are bi-conditionals that transform certain equivalence relations into identity statements, defining thereby mathematical terms in an implicit way. The paper compares the analytic reading of implicit definitions offered by the Neo-Fregean program with Weyl’s account which has phenomenological leanings. The paper suggests that Weyl’s account should be (...)
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    Morals as a Law Building and Changing Factor.Georgi Mihaylov - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (1):66-74.
    This article studies the specific designation of morals under the conditions of a modern society. Due to the circumstances that morals are able to overcome differences between the social regulatory systems and to unite the perceptions of a regulatory framework, they have become a major contemporary metalegal regulator. Being a significant social regulator, morals also play a mediation role between law and other social regulatory systems. In this role of theirs, they make a substantial factor having an influence on building (...)
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    Conceptual Aspects concerning God and Salvation in the Teachings of Gnosticism and Bogomilism.Georgi Belogashev - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (4):316-334.
    the article aims, through a comparative analysis, to explicate the Gnostic and Bogomil religious-philosophical conceptual grounds for the possibility of acquiring knowledge saving man from the dualism of being. The tasks of the study are to indicate the reasons for the search for such knowledge, which provides a form of human existence that will lead man to salvation. To achieve the tasks, the study begins by establishing the connections of Gnosticism and Bogomilism with historically preceding spiritual-religious communities and their concepts, (...)
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  16. Problemi na istorii︠a︡ta na filosofii︠a︡ta.Georgi Belogashev & Rosen Rachev (eds.) - 2021 - Veliko Tŭrnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiĭ".
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    Dealing with Quine's "wolf": Is 2nd order logic ontologically committal?Demetra Christopoulou - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (1):63-80.
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    On the Synthetic Content of Implicit Definitions.Demetra Christopoulou - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):75-88.
    This paper addresses the issue of stipulation in three cases of implicit definitions. It argues that the alleged implicit definitions do not have a purely stipulative status. Stipulation of the vehicles of the implicit definitions in question should end up with true postulates. However, those postulates should not be taken to be true only in virtue of stipulation since they have extra commitments. Horwich’s worry emerges in all three kinds of implicit definitions under consideration, since the existence of meanings so (...)
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    Rota on Mathematical Identity: Crossing Roads with Husserl and Frege.Demetra Christopoulou - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (4):383-396.
    In this paper I address G. C. Rota’s account of mathematical identity and I attempt to relate it with aspects of Frege as well as Husserl’s views on the issue. After a brief presentation of Rota’s distinction among mathematical facts and mathematical proofs, I highlight the phenomenological background of Rota’s claim that mathematical objects retain their identity through different kinds of axiomatization. In particular, I deal with Rota’s interpretation of the ontological status of mathematical objects in terms of ideality. Then (...)
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    Questioning geopolitics: political projects in a changing world-system.Georgi M. Derluguian & Scott L. Greer (eds.) - 2000 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Annotation Redefines globalization as merely the framework of the current political debate on the future of world power.
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  21. Bitka za literaturni print︠s︡ipi.Georgi Mitrev Markov - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: Bŭlgarski pisatel.
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    Procedural Invariants of Discovery Process.Georgy Morgunov - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):26.
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  23. Filosofsko-metodologichni problemi na borbata sreshtu otrit︠s︡atelnite i︠a︡vlenii︠a︡.Georgi Naumov - 1985 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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    Debuting Genetics in Britain.Demetra M. Pappas - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (6):2-2.
  25.  16
    Toward the Health of the Community.Demetra M. Pappas - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (2):41-41.
  26. Simple Pointing to Objects may Facilitate Remembering.Georgi Petkov & Prolet Nikolova - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Die Gegenwärtige Logistik und Leibniz.Georgi Schischkoff - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):194-194.
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    Das Leibniz-Bild im Werke Kurt Hubers.Georgi Schischkoff - 1966 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 20 (3/4):569 - 594.
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  29. Modelling of Adaptive Learning Scenario in e-Learning Environments.Georgi Tuparov & Daniela Tuparova - 2009 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 42 (1-2):19-34.
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    Culturele racisten, neo-nazi's of papieren tijgers? : Bespreking van recente nederlandstalige literatuur over extreem-rechtse partijen in Europa.Georgi Verbeeck & Hans De Witte - 1995 - Res Publica 37 (2):263-270.
  31.  23
    Between “is” and “ought”: A philosophical investigation of personal values and their application in managerial practice.Georgi P. Yankov - 2017 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 37 (3):164-182.
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  32. The safe, the sensitive, and the severely tested: a unified account.Georgi Gardiner & Brian Zaharatos - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-33.
    This essay presents a unified account of safety, sensitivity, and severe testing. S’s belief is safe iff, roughly, S could not easily have falsely believed p, and S’s belief is sensitive iff were p false S would not believe p. These two conditions are typically viewed as rivals but, we argue, they instead play symbiotic roles. Safety and sensitivity are both valuable epistemic conditions, and the relevant alternatives framework provides the scaffolding for their mutually supportive roles. The relevant alternatives condition (...)
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    The Forgotten “Old-Darwinian” Synthesis: The Evolutionary Theory of Ludwig H. Plate (1862–1937).Georgy S. Levit & Uwe Hoßfeld - 2006 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 14 (1):9-25.
    Abstract.The German zoologist and geneticist Ludwig Plate was a pupil and successor of the “German Darwin” Ernst Haeckel as the director of the Institute of Zoology at Jena University. Plate campaigned for a revival of the original Darwinism. His research program, which he labelled “old-Darwinism”, proclaimed the synthesis of selectionism with “moderate Lamarckism” and orthogenesis.This article reconstructs and analyses Plate’s “old-Darwinian” synthesis and sheds light on Plate’s controversial biography, especially his conflict with Haeckel.
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  34. Theocracy in Paul's Praxis and Theology.Dieter Georgi & David L. Green - 1991
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    Transient Amplitude Modulation of Alpha-Band Oscillations by Short-Time Intermittent Closed-Loop tACS.Georgy Zarubin, Christopher Gundlach, Vadim Nikulin, Arno Villringer & Martin Bogdan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  36.  16
    The moral economy: why good incentives are no substitute for good citizens.Samuel Bowles - 2016 - London: Yale University Press.
    Should the idea of economic man-the amoral and self-interested Homo economicus-determine how we expect people to respond to monetary rewards, punishments, and other incentives? Samuel Bowles answers with a resounding "no." Policies that follow from this paradigm, he shows, may "crowd out" ethical and generous motives and thus backfire. But incentives per se are not really the culprit. Bowles shows that crowding out occurs when the message conveyed by fines and rewards is that self-interest is expected, that the (...)
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    The manipulation of chemical reactions: probing the limits of interventionism.Georgie Statham - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4815-4838.
    I apply James Woodward’s interventionist theory of causation to organic chemistry, modelling three different ways that chemists are able to manipulate the reaction conditions in order to control the outcome of a reaction. These consist in manipulations to the reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, and whether the kinetics or thermodynamics predominates. It is possible to construct interventionist causal models of all of these kinds of manipulation, and therefore to account for them using Woodward’s theory. However, I show that there is an alternate, (...)
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  38. Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradiction of Economic Life.Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis - 1977 - Science and Society 41 (2):232-234.
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    Mechanism of organization increase in complex systems.Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, Kaitlin Henry, Timothy Bates, Erin Gombos, Alexander Casey, Michael Daly, Amrit Vinod & Hyunseung Lee - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):18-28.
  40. The Ethical Limits of Blockchain-Enabled Markets for Private IoT Data.Georgy Ishmaev - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (3):411-432.
    This paper looks at the development of blockchain technologies that promise to bring new tools for the management of private data, providing enhanced security and privacy to individuals. Particular interest present solutions aimed at reorganizing data flows in the Internet of Things architectures, enabling the secure and decentralized exchange of data between network participants. However, as this paper argues, the promised benefits are counterbalanced by a significant shift towards the propertization of private data, underlying these proposals. Considering the unique capacity (...)
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  41. Blockchain Technology as an Institution of Property.Georgy Ishmaev - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):666-686.
    This paper argues that the practical implementation of blockchain technology can be considered an institution of property similar to legal institutions. Invoking Penner's theory of property and Hegel's system of property rights, and using the example of bitcoin, it is possible to demonstrate that blockchain effectively implements all necessary and sufficient criteria for property without reliance on legal means. Blockchains eliminate the need for a third-party authority to enforce exclusion rights, and provide a system of universal access to knowledge and (...)
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    Hunter Vaughan (2019) Hollywood's Dirtiest Secret: The Hidden Environmental Costs of the Movies.Georgie Carr - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (1):90-93.
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    To live means to read: Agamben’s messianism as an archaeological inquiry.Georgy Layus - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (2):114-132.
    This article aims to elucidate the relationship between Agamben’s notion of messianism and his project of philosophical archaeology. Whereas the former relates to political and ethical aspects of Agamben’s philosophy, the latter belongs to the domain of methodology of philosophical research itself. The main thesis of the paper argues that these two components rely on each other and constitute one and the same project. The author demonstrates that Agamben’s notion of messianic action and scholarly activity of philosophical archaeology overlap, which (...)
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    Structured Meanings and the Dynamic Role of Variables: A Dilemma for Pickel and Rabern.Geoff Georgi - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1745-1757.
    In a recent paper, Pickel and Rabern (2016) argue that a dynamic Tarskian semantics resolves Fine’s antinomy of the variable without the radical consequences for semantics proposed by Fine (2003, 2007). While Pickel and Rabern’s basic insight—a parameter of discourse context that tracks occurrences of variable-binding expressions—is important, I will argue that their own Tarskian theory faces a destructive dilemma: either their theory does not resolve Fine’s antinomy as they propose, or their theory does not reflect the intuitive motivation for (...)
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    Ernst Mayr’s Critique of Thomas Kuhn.Georgy S. Levit & Uwe Hossfeld - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (4):163-180.
    In the early 1960s, American philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn contributed to a “crisis of rationality” with his hypothesis that science develops by means of paradigm shifts. He challenged the positivist concept of cumulative and continuous scientific progress. According to Kuhn, the relation between two succeeding scientific traditions ‘separated by a scientific revolution’ is characterized by conceptual incommensurability that constrains the interpretation of science as a cumulative, steadily progressing enterprise. Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy was heavily criticized by German-American biologist Ernst Mayr (...)
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    Contexts and Constraints on Use.Geoff Georgi - 2019 - Theoria 87 (1):136-151.
    Theoria, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 136-151, February 2021.
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  47. Between the Void and Emptiness: Ontological Paradox and Spectres of Nihilism in Alain Badiou’s Being and Event and Graham Priest’s One.Georgie Newson - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1).
    In this study, I reconstruct and compare Alain Badiou’s Being and Event (2005) and Graham Priest’s One (2014), arguing that the ontologies pursued within the two texts are intriguingly analogous in a number of ways. Both Badiou and Priest are committed to thinking through classically ontological problems without denying the validity of the paradoxes they raise; both regard Plato’s Parmenides as an early and formative account of these paradoxes; both establish conclusions to the effect that unity – or “oneness” – (...)
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    A Phenomenological and a Poststructuralist Reading of Being and Time (Sections 54–60).Georgy Chernavin - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (1):159-172.
    The article builds on Husserl’s “trivial” observations from the manuscript Reason — Science. Reason and Morality — Reason and Metaphysics on the topic of conscience, to then question the neglect of the topic of misguided conscience or self-deception in Heidegger’s model of conscience from §§ 54–60 of Being and Time. In Heidegger’s conception of conscience (as a silent call appealing to the authenticity of Dasein) we will not find a number of points important to the Husserlian understanding of conscience: neither (...)
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  49. Istorichesko poznanie i obshtestveni zakoni.Georgi Boëiìadzhiev - 1994 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Special Relativity Kinematics with Anisotropic Propagation of Light and Correspondence Principle.Georgy I. Burde - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (12):1573-1597.
    The purpose of the present paper is to develop kinematics of the special relativity with an anisotropy of the one-way speed of light. As distinct from a common approach, when the issue of anisotropy of the light propagation is placed into the context of conventionality of distant simultaneity, it is supposed that an anisotropy of the one-way speed of light is due to a real space anisotropy. In that situation, some assumptions used in developing the standard special relativity kinematics are (...)
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